Our own Rev. Fred Cartier was the speaker this week. He gave an interesting talk about planning for retirement. Not so much from a financial standpoint, but from an emotional standpoint. He said one day you are going to leave your job...what are you going to do the next day?

Fred suggested starting now to think about and plan what you will do when you retire. Making a daily schedule for yourself and then be sure to do at least two things from that schedule. Something that may help you decide what you may want to do in retirement Fred heard at a seminar about retirement. The speaker asked everyone in the audience to write down in one brief sentence “who you are without making reference to your job or your family”.

Fred referenced statistics about how people’s health deteriorates after they retire if they have nothing to do. Many die in a short period of time as well.
So start now thinking about what you will do after you retire. Go to the library and read books; take advantage of education programs that are offered for retirees like those offered at Bard College; expand a hobby; whatever, just make a plan to do something!